Sunday, January 24, 2016

The 6 Most Haunted Places in Colonial Williamsburg, Virginia

1. Peyton Randolph House

The Peyton Randolph House
The Peyton Randolph house is reportedly one of the most haunted places in Williamsburg. At night, the home is shrouded in blackness. It’s one of the few houses that doesn’t have a single candle in the window, no light on the front porch, and no street lights in front.  The darkness lends to the eerie effect of the home.
Some of the history behind the ghost stories associated with this house originate with a slave named Eve. In 1775, the Royal Governor of Virginia, Lord Dunmore issued a decree stating that any slave who ran away from his or her colonial owner to join the British Army would be granted freedom. One day Eve, desperate for a taste of freedom, chose to leave her son behind to join the British. However, it wasn’t long before she was caught and brought back to the home. She suffered a beating as punishment, and in the days that followed she became very insubordinate according to her owner. Unable to control her any longer, her owner decided to sell her, and she was pried from her son's arms and, in a very crude manner, thrown on a horse with her hands and feet bound. As the horse rode away, she shouted a curse upon anyone who lived in the house from that point forward. Those who lived in the house after her departure experienced sudden death, tragedy, or committed suicide.
 As far back as 1824 Lafayette believed the house was haunted. One night, as he was in one of the rooms, he felt a hand upon his shoulder; he turned suddenly to find no one there.

 Legend has it, that if you are daring enough to knock on the door of the Peyton Randolph house at night, you will hear something knocking back. We personally witnessed a similar occurrence. Late one night we approached the Peyton Randolph house. As we drew nearer to the house an eerie feeling overcame us. Maybe it was the fact that the house sat in complete darkness, or maybe it was something else. Nevertheless, one of the members of our group walked up to the door. As we watched and listened, he knocked three times. We didn’t hear a knocking response. However, we did hear the creaking of old floor boards as if someone were walking around inside.

2. The Indian School at William and Mary

The Indian School at William and Mary
Established in 1697, this school was created to educate young Indian men in reading, writing, English, arithmetic, and religion. The school was funded by the estate of Robert Boyle. Legend has it that one of the Native American boys enjoyed running the halls of the school and the grounds of the campus at night. One night he climbed out of his window and disappeared into the darkness, never to be seen again. The school closed shortly after the start of the American revolution however, some of the spirits of the former students remain. 
To this day, people who pass the school at night have reported seeing the apparition of the boy making his nightly run around the campus. Also, many have reported seeing the ghosts of several Native American children running across the sunken gardens late at night, as if they are attempting to run away from the old school.

3. The Governor's Palace

The Governor's Palace
Built in 1722, the Governor’s Palace in Williamsburg is perhaps one of the grandest structures in the state of Virginia. Many of Virginia’s governors including Patrick Henry and Thomas Jefferson called the palace home. The palace set the perfect scene for many extravagant balls and social gatherings in Williamsburg. 
During the Revolutionary War, the palace became the headquarters for General Charles Lee of the Continental Army, and was later used as a field hospital. On December 22, 1781, the Palace, currently being used as a hospital for over one hundred ill continental soldiers, caught fire. All but one of the patients were evacuated as a magnificent structure burned to the ground. 
In the 1930's, archaeologists discovered one hundred thirty-seven skeletons buried in the palace garden. Two of the skeletons were female, the rest appeared to be male British soldiers who died in bed, most likely during the time that the palace was being used as a hospital. It is speculated that the two females were nurses who cared for the soldiers while they were ill. 
Since then the governor’s palace has been rebuilt to resemble the magnificent structure it once was. It is said that if you sit on the palace green at night you will see a candle light passing in front of the windows of the palace. It’s believed that this candle is being carried by the ghosts of the nurses who were found buried in the gardens, still tending to their patients as an echo in time long after the war has ended.

4. George Wythe House

The Wythe House
This was the home of George Wythe, first signer of the Declaration of Independence and teacher/mentor to Thomas Jefferson. The home, thought to be built in the mid-1750s, was constructed by George Wythe’s father-in-law, Richard Taliaferro. It also served as General George Washington’s headquarters just before the siege of Yorktown.
            One prominent report of the home being haunted involves Lady Anne Skipwith, who often came to visit the family. One evening, while attending a party at the Governors Palace, Lady Anne got into a fight with her husband. In a fit of anger, she rushed out of the palace and down the palace green, back to the Wythe house where she was staying. On the way, she lost one of the shoes she was wearing. The sound of her flight down the cobblestone path leading back to the house is often heard by witnesses. Lady Anne has also been seen in the home coming out of the closet in the room where she stayed. In addition, an odd clicking rhythm has been heard ascending the staircase in the home. The sound is thought to come from Lady Anne as she returned from the party at the Governor’s palace wearing only a single shoe.
            Other reports include the sounds of a woman’s melodious singing and of furniture being moved around. An employee also reported being tapped on the shoulder by an unseen presence.

5. Eastern State Hospital

Old Public Hospital
Williamsburg, Virginia is home to the first lunatic asylum in North America, The Public Hospital for Persons of Insane and Disordered Minds. This asylum saw its first patient on October 12, 1773.
            In 1841, then known as the Eastern Lunatic Asylum, its one hundred twenty-five inmates were supervised by a physician named Doctor John Gault. John Gault remained the superintendent of the facility until it became devastated by the Civil War in 1862. During this time, the Union Army assumed control of the facility, neglecting many of the patients. Dr. Gault, disheartened by the poor treatment of the patients, fell into a state of depression. He went to his home, which stood on the grounds of the hospital, and overdosed on Laudanum, causing the blood vessels in his head to rupture. He was found lying in a pool of blood. 
          The house has long since been demolished. However, Dr. Gault’s ghost remains. It is said that his spirit roams the grounds of the hospital at night and echoes through the hallways in search of his distraught patients.

6. The Capitol Building

The Capitol Building

Sitting at the end of the Duke of Gloucester street, you will find Williamsburg’s Capitol building, where many significant historical events took place. In 1698, the Jamestown State House was destroyed by fire and the decision was made to move the colony’s government to WIlliamsburg, then known as Middle Plantation. It was built by Henry Cary, who also built the Wren Building at the College of WIlliam and Mary. It was here that Patrick Henry spoke against the Stamp Act on May 29, 1765, and in 1776 patriots assembled here to speak for American independence. Also, the first floor of the West building housed the General Court.
            Today, you can play one of the jurors during a candlelit reenacted trial of Grace Sherwood, who was tried for witchcraft in 1776. This event is called Cry Witch. Many tourists who attended this mock trial reported seeing a well-played female reenactor in the audience. Upon rendering their compliments to the other reenactors, they were informed that there was no woman fitting that description in attendance. It became rumored that this colonial-clad woman was the ghost of the Witch of Pungo, Grace Sherwood. Sightings of this woman continued until 2006, around the same time that Grace Sherwood was pardoned by Governor Timothy Kaine.

Watch the video: Colonial Williamsburg History and Haunts for more info and more haunted locations in Williamsburg, VA.

Saturday, January 16, 2016

How to Conduct a Proper EVP Session

Jeff and Linda EVP session at Edgewood Old Mill
EVP sessions can be an essential part of a paranormal investigation. Not only can they provide evidence that an entity is present, but they may also provide answers to help determine who or what the entity is and why it remains at the location. Through a series of questions, we hope to gather as much evidence as possible to help explain the unknown. We at Virginia Paranormal Investigations believe that the methods provided in this article will help investigators to obtain the clearest, uncontaminated EVP's in an effort to gather the most intangible, indisputable evidence of the spiritual realm that lies intertwined with the locations we investigate.
     Let's start with the location. Determining where to conduct an EVP session depends largely on the location you are investigating. It's obviously always a good idea to hit the areas with the most reports of activity. In some cases, however,  you may be walking along when the EMF detector spikes or temperature changes and decide to set up right then and there. Making sure the location is secure is essential. Note any background noise that could be mistaken for an EVP. If there is too much background noise, then it my be useless to conduct the session. This can often occur at outdoor locations when the wind isn't cooperating. We have experimented with windy locations on the theory that wind can provide a type of ambient sound and energy for the spirits to communicate, but have had no success. Setting up for an EVP session also depends largely on the location. We will use a residential investigation as an example in which you can apply these methods to most locations. First, synchronize your watches. In some cases, the spirit may respond better to the homeowner, so it's not a horrible idea to have them sit in on the session and ask some questions, providing they are briefed on the procedures. If the residents are not taking part in the session, then we always have someone monitoring them. This investigator will have a notepad and will jot down any noises they make (coughing, whispering, talking, etc.) along with the exact time of the noise. This will prevent the EVP analyst from mistaking the noise for something paranormal. Another investigator should be posted outside of the house, also with a notepad. It will be this person's job to log any noises he or she hears coming from the exterior of the house (people talking, birds, cars, etc.) for the same reason; to avoid a mistaken EVP.
     Now that your perimeter is well observed, lets talk about the investigators actually sitting around the recorder questioning the entity. The recorder should be placed on a flat, solid surface. You don't want to risk movement of the recorder or vibrations in the surface to contaminate your evidence. EVP sessions are always best with fewer people, as there is less chance of undue sounds. One of the investigators in the room should have a notepad to log any natural or explainable noises that occur. There should be no whispering during the session as whispers can sometimes be mistaken for an EVP. It's ok to talk, however, do so in a regular tone so that the EVP analyst knows it's your voice. At the start of the EVP session, everyone should state their names in an introductory manner. This is both showing courtesy to what ever spirit may be there, and it will allow the EVP analyst to hear your voice and compare it to any possible EVP's and determine if it's one of the investigators or something paranormal.
     Your perimeter is under surveillance and your EVP room is set up, now into the questioning. We prefer to take a conversation tone rather than an interrogation tone during the EVP sessions. What I mean by this is try to approach the spirit more subtly rather than badger him or her with questions. If they feel like they are under the spotlight, they may shy away. It's always a good idea to try and empathize or at least sympathize with the spirit; of course this can only be done if you have some background info on the spirit and/or location. Try to think of good trigger questions such as something that the spirit may have enjoyed in life, or current events from the time they were alive. The world may have progressed, but they may still be living in the past. Just like with people, if you can spark their interest, they may be willing to sit and talk with you. Aside from establishing a connection, feel free to ask any questions that may help provide the answers you are seeking. During the session, remember to vocally tag any noises you hear. this will provide a back up form of verification to coincide with the logs being kept by the other investigators.
     When you're ready to conclude your EVP session, remember to thank the entity who may have been communicating with you. With all of the sounds documented by the investigators with the notepads and the vocal tags, any one of the investigators should be able to analyze the EVP session. If the analyst finds a sound that wasn't heard by the investigator outside the house, the investigator with the residents, or anyone in the room, then quite possibly it's a solid EVP not to be easily debunked.
     We hope these methods prove helpful on your next investigation. As I stated earlier, EVP's can be a crucial part of the evidence you obtain during your investigation. Skeptics will always try to debunk your evidence, which is why it's imperative to obtain the most concrete evidence possible. Any explanation that people can come up with, will be suggested and we want to make sure we can't debunk it before we submit it. Aside from providing evidence of a spiritual presence, the results of your EVP session may also give you answers to help connect some of the pieces of your research. If you implement some of these methods, next time you hear a noise on your recorder that's not logged, you most likely picked up a good EVP.

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Top 5 Haunted Roads in Eastern Virginia

1. Old House Woods - Haven Beach Road in Diggs, VA

Haven Beach Road

Stories of strange occurrences out at Old House Woods have been passed down for over a hundred years. Versions of why these woods are haunted may vary, but they all seem to focus around buried treasure. On version states that pirates brought stolen treasure to these shores and buried it deep in the woods, planning to return at a later date. After the pirates boarded their ship, a violent storm moved in and the ship capsized amidst the rough waters and sunk. This however, was not the last these pirates or the ship would be seen. There have been several reports of this ghost ship and its unearthly crew returning to the sandy shores of Old House Woods. The ship reportedly sails off of the water and docks atop the trees of the woods. Ladders drop off the sides of the ship and the crew descends, disappearing into the dense woods. More commonly than the ghost ship, witnesses report seeing lantern light coming up from the beach and hearing the sounds of shovels digging in the damp soil off in the distance. Another common occurrence at Old House Woods is the pack of headless dogs emerging from the marsh. One witness heard the growling emitting from multiple directions, then saw the beast walking across the marsh, approximately a foot above the ground.
     Over the past seven years, I along with Virginia Paranormal Investigations have ventured into these woods several times in search of paranormal activity and I have to admit, we definitely found it here. One night, we exited the vehicle and our attention was drawn to movement down the road. As we squinted into the darkness, we saw a figure pacing back and forth across the dim lit road. He must have seen us too as he suddenly stopped and started walking towards us at a fast pace. As he drew closer, we could see the outline of a person wearing what looked to be in the shape of an old Spanish conquistador helmet on his head. We got back in the car and as we shone the headlights down the road, he was gone without a trace. Another night, Friday the 13th on a full moon, we decided Old House Woods would be the perfect place to investigate. We arrived near the old house and conducted an EVP session. The session was interrupted by the barking of several hound dogs, which were by no means ghosts. The dogs came running up Haven Beach Road and I couldn't determine if they were chasing something, or running from something. As they were passing near where we were standing, I saw a black figure, almost the mass of a large dog, come bolting across the road and tackle one of the dogs. With a yelp, the dog disappeared from the road and into the woods. We searched the side of the road but there was no sign of either creature. The remaining dogs ran off, continuing down the dark road towards Old House Woods Road. The four of us then split into two groups and walked off in different directions. As my partner and I rounded the bend in the road, we could see the tall lifeless trees reaching out from the marsh, silhouetted by the full moon. The tall grass was alive with the sounds of crickets and frogs, when suddenly all went silent. As my fellow investigator looked out over the marsh, he saw a monkey-like creature leap from one tree top to another. He called my attention to the trees, but I saw no sign of the creature. A few moments later, the night sounds resumed and we began our walk back to the car.
     Over the years I've had the wonderful opportunity of investigating many reportedly haunted locations, and I have to say, Old House Woods stands out as a definite hot spot among the rest.

2. Pocahontas Parkway near Henrico County, VA
Pocahontas Parkway
If you happen to be traveling along 895 near Henrico County late at night, be sure to stay alert. You may encounter more than deer crossing in front of your vehicle. Many travelers venturing down this road during hours of darkness claim it's haunted by Native American Spirits. Witnesses have heard the sounds of distant drums and heard unusual screams, in the night. A few people claimed to have seen a Native American on horseback, along the shoulder of this road, with a ghostly expression and a chilling stare. Reportedly a young brave has bolted out into the road as if a hunter in pursuit of his game. Questions began to arise as to why these spirits linger around this section of the parkway. Further research supposedly revealed that the land was sacred Native American burial grounds and there was evidence of former Powhatan civilizations stretched out along the parkway.
     We've had the opportunity to drive down this stretch of road one night after a residential investigation. I didn't think that a highway could be very eerie, as they are often well lit. Pocahontas Parkway however, does have its areas that are fairly dark and though we didn't see anything paranormal, it doesn't mean that nothing is there.

3. Crawford Road in Yorktown, VA 

Crawford Road Bridge

Winding through the woods between Newport News and Yorktown, you'll find a very creepy narrow road which seems to be the focus of many strange happenings. Legend has it, that a girl hung herself from the bridge many years ago and to this night her apparition replays these final moments almost nightly. If you pass under the bridge, be sure to check your rear view mirror, because many witnesses report seeing her dangling from the bridge as they glance back. Others get a little more daring (and dangerous) and turn off their engine as they stop their vehicle under the bridge. It's often been reported that they've heard a thump on the top of their car as if the jumping woman's feet hit it as she took the plunge. There is also supposedly a dark figure with red glowing eyes that will pass in front of you as you drive down this road. The origin and truth behind this legend is unknown to us.
     With Virginia Paranormal Investigations, I've made several trips out to Crawford Road and I have to say, it's usually fairly quiet, for the exception of some eerie and uneasy feelings here and there. One night however, fairly recently, Linda and I ventured out to Yorktown to take some pictures of Crawford Road and the over pass, Battlefield Tour Road. As I slowed the truck down to a near stop and leaned out the window just shy of the bridge to snap a picture, I was startled by the sound of heavy footsteps approaching the driver side. At the same time, Linda saw a tall dark mass black out the rear window of my truck. Needless to say I stepped on the gas. As we drove along discussing what it could have been, every conclusion we drew was unsettling.

4. My Lady Bridge in Middlesex, VA

My Lady Bridge
Out in Middlesex, crossing over My Lady Swamp, you will find My Lady Bridge. From what we can gather, this was most likely a little wooden bridge at one time, perhaps back in the late 1800's. Back in those days storms made it much more difficult and dangerous to travel. Legend states that one stormy night, a lady on a horse and buggy was traveling home along this route. As she came to the little bridge, it was already flooded out with raging waters. The lady had to decide whether to turn around and head to the nearest house which was miles down the road, or attempt to cross the bridge just short of her house. The woman decided to brave the river, determined to make it home. As the reluctant horse entered the water, shaking with each step, the lady yelled and yelled at him to go further onto the bridge. As the wheels of the buggy creaked into the water, the current swept the horse's feet out from under him and pulled him into the raging waters. The lady and the buggy went with him, never to be seen again. Some say that if you venture over this bridge at night, you can hear the sound of horseshoes clomping over the bridge.
     After hearing this story, of course VAPI had to investigate. The bridge is pretty eerie at night. It crosses over a little stream that we couldn't see in the darkness. We did hear the sound that could be described as a horse clomping over the bridge, however, we believe it to be a tree branch hitting the underside of the bridge when the wind blows. Due to the darkness and lack of space to pull over, we were unable to confirm this theory with 100% certainty.

5. Gallows Road in Colonial Williamsburg, VA

Jeff and Linda in Colonial Williamsburg
Williamsburg, Virginia is a very historic city, beautifully restored to it's colonial state. A walk down the streets of this colonial city is like a trip back in time. You will find the city full of reenactors playing the roles of shopkeepers, British soldiers, and blacksmiths. You will see horse drawn carriages escorting visitors around for scenic tours. You can even find several little shops that sell period clothing, games, and food. When night falls on this old city, the streets become vacant of the reenactors, tourists, and carriages, and an eerie calmness settles in. The silence grows thick and suddenly yields to the sound of horse hooves hitting the dirt road followed by the creaking of old carriage wheels. This could very well be the wagon of death making its nightly run down Gallows Road. Now known as Nicholson Street, Gallows road was the route that lead from the old jail to the gallows. Many criminals, pirates, and even some of Blackbeard's men rode this wagon back in colonial times. They would leave the jail bound and sitting on top of their coffins; the ride back would find them inside the coffins. Visitors to this road at night claim to still hear the wagon of death, wheels creaking, horses trotting, then silence followed by the sound of someone being hanged.
     We've walked this road at night. It's definitely a peaceful place, however we didn't witness the sounds of the wagon. We conducted an EVP session, but obtained no results with that either. Williamsburg will remain one our favorite locations to investigate. Even if we don't find any evidence, it's still a beautiful walk back in time, and with any luck, you may hear an echo from the past.